Year 1 2024 - 2025
Mrs Wright
Mrs Cavanagh
Welcome to Year 1!
Spring Term
We are very excited to start the Spring term as we have lots of exciting activities planned. We have two fabulous books that we will be using for our English lessons - The Lion Inside by Rachel Bright and The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth by Ellie Hattie
Please see additional information about all our learning in our Spring 2025 Topic Web below. Our knowledge organisers can be found under the 'Knowledge Organisers' tab at the top of our class page.
General information:
- In year 1 Mrs Wright teaches every Monday and Tuesday. Mrs Cavanagh teaches on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
- Reading books will be changed every Friday morning, Please ensure reading books and reading records are brought into school everyday.
- PE - The children will need to come to school in their PE kits on a Tuesday and a Friday. They need to wear shorts/joggers, their House t-shirt, trainers and a school jumper/school PE hoodie. Please ensure all items are named
- Homework will be set each week on a Thursday. There will be Mathletics activities to complete and weekly spellings to learn. Spellings will be tested on a Thursday. Your child’s Mathletics login details are in their reading record. We also ask that the childen try to read daily.
- Please make sure you bring a coat to school (named) every day, even if it looks like a nice day.
Please do get in touch if you have any questions or concerns by emailing us: &
Many thanks,
Mrs H Wright & Mrs K Cavanagh