Year 5 2024 - 2025

Mrs Mowforth


Year 5 - Autumn Term

Welcome to the Autumn term in Year 5!

There is lots of exciting learning planned for this term as we discover Rivers in geography, Sikhism in RE and Forces in science amongst many other things.

Our first English text for this year is "Queen of the Falls" by Chris Van Allsburg which tells the story of the intrepid Annie Edson Taylor and her astonishing ride in a barrel over Niagara Falls.

Queen of the Falls.jpgQoTf.jpg


For further details of our planned learning for this half term, have a look at our Autumn Topic Web in the file section below.

Our PE days this year will be MONDAY and WEDNESDAY. Please make sure that children come into school in their PE kits on these days.

Homework will be set on a Friday and will be due for completion the following Thursday. Spellings will be checked on a Friday. Please see the homework tab above for further details.

A waterproof coat should be brought into school each day even if the weather looks fine in the morning

Please make sure that everything that is worn into school is clearly named. We know that things can go astray but if they are named, it's an easy job to reunite items with their owners.

Please get in touch via email if you have questions or concerns


Mrs N Mowforth














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